Nogai Caravanserai

 Hello everyone, today is the 1st day of our practice. We came to Nogai caravserai with students and our teacher. Below are the information and pictures we learned about it. 😊😊

The Nugai Caravanserai is an extremely interesting place for travelers who want to see Bukhara in all its glory. First, it should be noted that a caravanserai is a luxury kind of a hotel for caravanners. “Serai” is translated as “palace”, and such a name was worth the buildings. Traders had money, and entrepreneurial wealthy people built such hotels along the trade routes. One could spend a night there, left goods for deposit in a warehouse, exchange money and even sell something, have some rest after a long journey and enjoy a good supper in a teahouse, talking with fellow merchants — all of those things were an integral part of the place. A caravanserai was not only a comfortable lodging for the night; it also served as a fortress capable of withstanding the siege of robbers. For that purpose, most of such sites had a well in the courtyard and food supplies in warehouses. In some caravanserais, it was also possible to get bedding and dishes; in others, one could get only rooms for sleeping, so travelers had to carry all necessary things with them.

 Nogay Caravanserai is a monument of cultural heritage located in the historical center of Bukhara.It is included in the national list of immovable property objects of tge material and cultural heritage of Uzbekistan under state protection. 

The Nogai caravanserai is located in the western part of the Sarrofon architectural complex. The Nogai caravanserai was built in 1720-1721 on the place of the Sokhta caravanserai, which belonged to Qulbobo Kokaldosh and burned down later. According to the information, merchants worked on the 1st floor of the building, and cloaks were sewn on the 2nd floor. After the Gazli earthquake, the 2nd floor was demolished in 1976-1977. Currently, its rooms are used as craft workshops, souvenir shops and offices. The construction and renovation of two large caravanserais in the Sarrafon area was of great importance in the development of trade in the Bukhara Khanate. The construction of caravanserais led to the development of trade. Foundation documents related to the Nogai caravanserai have been preserved. The caravanserai has two floors and a large courtyard. The documents of the foundation contain information about the expenses and funds related to the caravanserai. In the main northern part of the caravanserai, there are craft and trade stalls on both sides of the entrance-exit corridor. The porch above the gate is decorated with ceramic tiles. Although the Nogai caravanserai was rebuilt, the Kokaldosh madrasa was turned into a foundation property. At the beginning of the 19th century, the tenant of the caravanserai allocated 240 gold coins for the Kokaldosh madrasa. Nowadays, the mosque is located on Bahauddin Naqshband Street.

Thank you for your attention🙂




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Saifiddin Caravanserai